The call for self-nominations for new Young IBRO members is now open. If you know an early career neuroscientist who can bring energy, insight and commitment to this important leadership committee for the next three years (1 January 2022 to 31 December 2024), please ask them to fill out the self-nomination form below by 15 August 2021 for consideration by IBRO’s Latin America Regional Committee (LARC).
Young IBRO Self-nomination Form
As a reminder, Young IBRO is composed of scientists under the age of 45 (they must be younger than age 40 when elected) at an early stage of their career as an independent principal investigator and who, preferably (but not exclusively), are IBRO alumni. Its general mission is to strengthen and consolidate IBRO’s alumni community into a cohesive and dynamic platform, and enable young neuroscientists in an early stage of their career to debate their views on the future of Neuroscience in the different Regions of the world. Young IBRO members participate in the decision-making processes of IBRO leadership, especially in advising the Executive Committee on issues of early career scientists and developing programs and activities that meet their needs. There are two Young IBRO members per IBRO region, a total of 10 members.
Young IBRO members should be prepared to:
- Assist in developing an annual budget to support Young IBRO programs and activities
- Evaluate, report on and ensure transparency and accountability of Young IBRO programs and activities
- Review applications
- Attend a committee meeting at least once per year (virtually or in-person if conditions allow)
- Elect a Young IBRO chairperson (who serves as a non-voting member of the IBRO Executive Committee and attends EC meetings)
- Advise IBRO leadership on issues of early career scientists
The deadline for self-nominations is Sunday, 15 August 2021 (midnight CEST).