What is FALAN Networking?
This site presents a virtual platform that allows the repository and interaction for a survey of researchers, laboratories and capacities related to neurosciences in the member countries of the Federation.
About us
FALAN Networking, is a site operated by the Federation of Latin American and Caribbean Neuroscience Societies. These include the following full members:
Societies and groups represented
Regular Members
– Argentine Society of Neuroscience Research (SAN)
– Brazilian Society of Neuroscience and Behavior (SBNeC)
– Chilean Society of Neuroscience (SCN)
– Colombian College of Neuroscience (COLNE)
– Cuban Society of Neuroscience (SONECUB)
– Mexican Society of Sciences Physiological (SMCF)
– Mexican Society of Neurosciences and Neurobiology
– Society of Neurosciences of Uruguay (SNU)
Adherent Partners
– Society for Neuroscience of Peru (SONEP)
– Neuroscience Research Program of Costa Rica
FALAN’s main objective is to promote the study and research of Neuroscience.
We believe that with the creation of this site we will be able to facilitate several of the Federation’s objectives, including:
- Promote linkage and exchange between associated entities and national, regional and international organizations related to the discipline.
- Promote and sponsor scientific activities that associated entities may carry out.
- Favor the development and consolidation of Neurosciences in emerging countries.
- Promote the exchange of students and scientists and researchers of the discipline in the Latin American Region, Spain, Portugal and the Caribbean.
- Disseminate academic and scientific activities related to Neuroscience and hold conferences, symposiums and meetings aimed at fulfilling its purposes and purposes.
- Promote awareness of Neuroscience among the general public and the respective authorities.
All members of all scientific societies and member organizations of FALAN can participate.
They must register by completing their profile and create a participation user.